Submission of abstract is closed
No full article is needed
We have received more than 330 submissions which have been reviewed (Program)
Participants are invited to submit manuscripts based on PYRO2016 conference presentations for possible publication in Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis with the intention of publishing in a Virtual Special Issue (VSI) that is dedicated to PYRO2016 conference.
JAAP Special Issue

In collaboration with Elsevier and the Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis (JAAP), Pyro2016 is affording those who will present orals and/or posters at the conference the opportunity to contribute to a virtual special issue (VSI) of the journal.
A Virtual Special Issue essentially rules out possible delays in publication for contributors to the special issue and will make this conference special issue more complete and accessible than it has ever been.
Please see below its advantageous characteristics:
Accepted papers are published individually as soon as they are accepted in regular journal volumes at Science Direct;
There will be footnotes included indicating at which conference the articles were presented
The virtual collection of accepted papers will be hosted on the Journal’s homepage site – with links to papers at Science Direct;
Preface and with the added possibility of other conference related materials, e.g. conference photos, award information (if any), will be available via the Virtual Special Issue.
Submission instructions: Submission link: here
Click on the “Submit Paper” option from the top menu;
Enter your user name and password (first time users will have to register);
After entering the title of your manuscript, please select article type name “VSI: PYRO2016”;
Follow the remaining step-by-step instructions to submit your paper;
Submission deadline: 1st Oct. 2016
When preparing your manuscript(s), please carefully follow the Guide for Authors of this journal. In the cover letter please mention that your manuscript is intended for the PYRO2016 Virtual Special Issue.
Please note that all manuscripts will be subjected to the mandatory selection process of the journal, including the strict peer review procedure; therefore acceptance for presentation at the conference is not a guarantee for publication in the journal.
Thanks in advance for your contribution!
Elsevier Team