Key Dates
Participants are invited to submit manuscripts based on PYRO2016 conference presentations for possible publication in Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis with the intention of publishing in a Virtual Special Issue (VSI) that is dedicated to PYRO2016 conference.
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Scientific Program
Poster'list session 1
Poster'list session II
We have received more than 340 submissions (200 for orals, 140 for posters). The rejection rate was for some sessions as high as 80%.
We thank the scientific committee for the reviews of the abstracts (between 2 and 5 reviews per abstract for orals).
We have intended to offer a good balance between the various methodologies (analysis, reactors, kinetics, etc.) and the application fields (biomass, wastes, fossil fuels, organic geochemistry, polymers, art & forensics, etc.).
If you wish to receive more information, please ensure you are on the PYRO2016 Mailing List.
FRONTIER-LAB Poster Prize: Frontier-Labs Young Scientist Award will be awarded to selected young scientists who make poster presentations.
Soirée in honour of Prof. Michael J. Antal Jr.

Soirée in the Museum of Fine Arts of Nancy, 9 May 2016,
“I have looked forward to your meeting
more than any other in my life”
to honor the Late Michael J. Antal, Jr

Specialists workshops
PYRO2016 is a good opportunity to organise specialists workshops, during a dedicated free time (between 9-12 May, during the symposium) or on Friday 13 May, after the symposium.
Specialists workshops are currently organised on:
(1) Kinetic modelling of pyrolysis reactions, chaired by Perrine Pepiot,
Thursday 12 May from 13h00 to 15h00, room to be confirmed.
(Meals and drinks will be served during the workshop)
(2) ESCAPE: AMDIS and Excel, a powerful combination in the development of an Expert System for Interpreting Py-GC/MS Data, chaired by Henk van Keulen and by Michael Schilling: /
Thursday 12 May from 13h00 to 15h00, room to be confirmed.
(Meals and drinks will be served during the workshop)
(3) Analytical pyrolysis of polymers, chaired by Clemens Schwarzinger,
Thursday 12 May from 13h00 to 15h00, room to be confirmed.
(Meals and drinks will be served during the workshop)
13:00-13:05 Clemens Schwarzinger (Johannes Kepler University): Introduction
13:05-13:30 Karen Sam (CDS Analytical): Examination of Household Products made from “Natural” Materials: Biodegradable&Biobased Polymers/ Natural Fibers
13:30-13:55 Eike Kleine-Benne (Gerstel): Polymer Pyrolysis - Practical Aspects with Respect to Method Development
13:55-14:20 Hajime Ohtani (Nagoya Institute of Technology): Molar mass dependence of chemical structures in polymer materials characterized by pyrolysis-GC-MS combined with size exclusion chromatographic fractionation
14:20-14:45 Helena Jönsson (PyrolAB): The influence of temperature time profile on pyrolysis results
14:45-15:00 Panel discussion with all lecturers
(4) Coke and biochar quality, chaired by Colin Snape,
Tuesday 10 May from 16h30 to 18h30, room to be confirmed.
(drinks will be served during the workshop)
(5) Pyrolysis compound specific isotopic analysis (Py-CSIA). Technique and applications, chaired by José A. González Pérez,
Tuesday 10 May from 16h30 to 18h30, room to be confirmed.
(drinks will be served during the workshop)
Invited Keynotes
Analytical pyrolysis as a tool for the characterisation of organic materials in cultural heritage
Ilaria Bonaduce, Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale, Università di Pisa, Italy
Kinetic modeling of pyrolysis reactions: from light gas to solids
Tizziano Faravelli, Polytechnico di Milano, Italy
Geochemical transformation and transport processes as revealed by kinetic determinations and molecular indicators
Brian Horsfield, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
Some steps in the development of coke manufacture in Europe
Daniel Isler, Centre de Pyrolyse de Marienau, Forbach, France
Biomass Pyrolysis Vapor as an Intermediate to Fuels and Chemicals
Mark R. Nimlos, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado, USA
Supporting the industry in scaling up biomass fast pyrolysis technology by building on pioneering work
Yrjö Solantausta, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Espoo, Finland
Monte-Carlo techniques for molecule-based kinetic modeling of heavy oil conversion
Jan J. Verstraete, IFPEN, Solaize, France
Keys to commercially successful coal pyrolysis for production of coal tar
Guangwen Xu, Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China
Chemical processing for feedstock recycling of waste plastics
Toshiaki Yoshioka, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan

Social events
Several social events will be organised in our UNESCO World Heritage city, notably on the marvelous Place Stanislas.
The conference will start with a welcome reception (8 May 2016 evening) and go on with several social events such as the visit of museums, French gastronomy, gala dinner (12 May 2016 evening), tours (13 May 2016), etc.
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Technical Tours
Departure from Nancy railway station at 8:00 am or 9:00 am depending on the tour location. Return directly at Nancy railway station at 11:30 (or sooner).
- The departure of the train towards Charles de Gaulle airport is at 12:20.
- The departure of the train towards Paris (Gare de l’Est) is at 12:24.
You have the choice between 4 locations (3 research institutes and one company):
